Hotwood’s Hooker Tool
Six years ago, Kevin Houtwed, president of Hotwood’s, suffered from a broken back and knew he had to develop a tool to pick up items around his home. With it, he could keep from bending, and he found it easy to retrieve items from the back of his truck—something he, like many truck owners, already hassled with.
The uses of this tool are endless as we here at Hotwood’s use them daily at work. Even outside of work, they can be used for hiking sticks, cleaning any trash or junk on the ground, and picking up items that sometimes the spine won’t allow.
– Aluminum Shaft with Steel Point and Hook on the End
– Comfort Grip Handle
– Length: 54”
– Weight: <2 lbs
– Color: Black
– Comes with 2 Mounting Grip Clips (one small, one large) to Mount Tool Anywhere
*Pricing does not include shipping
Hotwood’s Hooker Tool (with 2 mounting clips) $28.95
Farmers, the next time you go out and find a hot wire fence that has fallen down under the grass or in the dirt, you will not have a better tool than ours to hook it and pull it up so you can grab it at a comfortable height.
Contractors, if you are working around an open trench, see how handy this tool is to pick something up out of the bottom of that trench. If it is something you dropped, either a wire or piece of conduit, you need the Hooker Tool to pull it up to the surface.
Truckers, you will wonder how you got along without one of these after you use it to handle straps or drag dunnage around on the trailer while loading or unloading.
Kevin Houtwed, President of Hotwood’s taking down his Christmas lights with the Hooker Tool.
“I have used this tool for checking set lines for fishing and trap lines during trapping season. It is so nice to not have to bend clear down to pull up the line along a river bank as shown above. I would not be without it at this point in my life. I use it for so much more than this, when I say I would not be without this thing, I mean just that.”
— Phil VanBibber, Grand Island, NE
“Being a local contractor here in Nebraska, I got one of these a few months ago from Hotwood’s and I cannot tell you how much it gets used on a daily basis. It saves me from bending to picking something up from the ground all the time to so many other uses in my work, not to mention getting stuff out of my pickup that is out of reach. Every contractor in any field should have one.”
— Garth Edwardson, Grand Island, NE
“I have used one of these last year around my home and work and kept telling the guys at Hotwood’s they needed to put these on the market and they would sell thousands of them. Thanks for listening.”
— Matt Houtwed, Pratt, KS
“I used this today for the first time to pull a 165 pound gas powered wire winder from the front of a 8’ pickup box as you can see in the above photo. Saved me from crawling up in the box or lean over the side and try any way I could to slide it to the back for unloading. PERFECT TOOL.”
— Terry Dittmer, Crete Lumber in Crete, NE