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When you call Hotwood’s . . .
Dear Jessica and the rest of the Hotwood’s / Pro-Tatch Nebraska / Texas Team,
Thank you for answering the phone, it is so darn refreshing to talk to a living human that has real answers.
Thank you for being knowledgeable about your products.
Thank you for having the high tensile wire winder IN STOCK and READY TO SHIP!
The lead time alone would have won my order today. Your competition in North America could barely manage to answer the phone, much less ship a unit in under a couple of weeks.
After calling multiple vendors/manufacturers, ONE THREE MINUTE PHONE CALL with you sealed the deal and my order was placed. In most cases calling others, I couldn't even get through the electronic phone tree and talk to a human in that same amount of time.
Experiences like mine today with Hotwood’s give me confidence that although America may be in one heck of a mess lately - there are still plenty of solid folks out there like you all keeping this thing on the rails and moving down the track. Keep up the good work Hotwood’s / Pro-Tatch team, and keep up the good fight!
Best Regards,
Billy & Erin Donahue
Umbel Nursery & Farmstead
Parma, MI
Check Out Our Pontoon Accessories!
We offer a variety of pontoon accessories. Take a look at all of our seating options, tables, motors, and more today!
Weatherproof Folding Mariner Chair
Mid America Trailer
Folding Canopy Top
Are you tired of trying to reach for things out of the back of your pickup?
You need Hotwood’s Hooker Tool!
This is a must-have tool for every Farmer, Contractor, and Trucker out there.
Pivot Bridge
Hotwood’s manufactures pivot bridges for those who need a bridge for their center pivot. We offer any length from 3’ up to 100’, with a width of 4' or 8'. The two shown below are 75' x 8' and can carry up to 7500 lbs. Using 2 7/8” heavy wall tubes for the main frame with 2 3/8” rungs, along with all joints being sleeved, they are designed to withstand the loads and perform for many years trouble-free.
As you can see in the photos below, our pivot bridges are engineered to bolt together in the center to make hauling and handling much easier. If you need a pivot bridge, ATV crossing, or any other type of bridge, give Hotwood’s a call. You will not be disappointed in the quality and integrity of this product.
We also manufacture bridges with expanded metal floor & side guard rails for ATV crossing etc!
Head Over to our Customer Gallery to Brighten your Day!
Nashville recording artist Lucas Hoge wrote this song for Hotwood’s line of pontoon boats. Play this video to see how well the Aluma Sport 716 handles on the water.
(This video was shot at Percy Priest Lake just outside of Nashville, TN)