Anywhere Stairs
Our portable stairs are the ultimate answer to those hard-to-get, up and down areas along banks or steep inclines.
Our Anywhere Stairs solved the problem for the National Pike Trail in Claysville, PA. where a steep incline had to be made accessible to start on the trail.
Manufactured of 100% aluminum with stainless steel hardware for lifetime use, we offer our Anywhere Stairs in 4’ and 8’ sections that can be bolted together into any length you need.
– Stairways: 36’’ Wide
– Handrails: 35’’ Tall
– Steps Adjust to a Flat Position on Any Terrain or Slope
*Pricing does not include shipping
Anywhere Stairs (Complete 4’ Section) $925.00
Anywhere Stairs (Complete 8’ Section) $1,575.00
These stairs are very easy to maneuver. Above are four men carrying this 16’ unit to set in place.
Once the stairs are set in place, simply adjust your step angle to level, tighten the bolts on the framework, and stake it in place. The stability and rigidity are unmatched with one 1/2’’ handrail, manufactured to last you a lifetime.
When you go aluminum you are done forever. NO MAINTENANCE!
Easy to Install – Professional Grade
These Anywhere Stairs are excellent for industrial, Game and Parks, private lake homes and so many more, to get up and down that steep bank safely. Farmers, how handy this could be around the farm?
Railroad companies use this type of stair casing all across the country to access the tracks along steep terrain.
We also offer this same system with legs to help in different rise situations.
The stairs and handrail are designed in a way that will follow the contour of the slope with adjustment as it goes over the top, down to the bottom of your hill.
This assembly diagram to the left shows how you will connect two 8’ sections together for a single 16’ stairway and how to adjust the steps angles with your slope after you have placed it in the location it will be used in. You can add as many sections together as you need to in order to make the stairway the length you need it.
Long Term Public Installation Using Concrete Sub Anchors
*Hotwood’s does not offer this installation, this is merely another option for extra stability for the customer.
This installation was done by creating a cylindrical concrete foundation 3 feet in the ground to use as the anchor point for each leg. This will assure no movement or settling once the project is done and in place.